『斗記』景迈純料大樹茶 生プーアル茶 Pu'er tea
*** これは完全な餅茶ではなく、50gの散茶に分かれています。
②高温潤泡(適温 100℃):碗の壁に沿って8-10秒かけて注いだ後、すぐに流します。
1-3煎 100℃のお湯を使い、碗の壁に沿って8-10秒かけて注ぎ、約8-10秒浸して抽出します。ゆっくりと注ぎ、しっかりと湯を切ってください。
4-5煎 味の濃さに応じて、浸出時間を5-10秒ずつ延長しながら抽出します。15煎以上楽しむことが出来ます。
- 低温醒茶:水温50-70℃,顺着碗壁注水约5秒,开盖浸泡20-30秒后出汤。
- 高温润茶:开水100℃,顺着碗壁定点注水8-10秒,立即出汤沥干。
- 冲泡:第1-3泡均用100℃开水,顺着碗壁定点注水8-10秒,开盖浸泡8-10秒后出汤,出汤速度缓慢,确保茶汤完全沥尽。第4-5泡根据口感调整浸泡时间,每次延长5-10秒,可冲泡15泡以上。
'Douji' is a Pu'er tea brand founded by Mr. Chen Haibiao, which began producing Pu'er tea in the early 2000s in the Yiwu region.
This 2012 Jingmai Pure Ancient Tree Tea is an early-stage pure Pu'er raw tea. It has already passed the initial transformation period and is well-suited for drinking. Upon brewing, it is thick, smooth, and glossy, with a rich floral honey aroma at the bottom of the cup. It has a pronounced throat sensation and soft warm body feeling , providing a standard experience of pure tea.
'Douji's "Pure Ancient Tree Tea" refers to tea trees planted before the late Qing Dynasty (around the early 20th century), aged over 100 years, grown in high-altitude, ecologically sound ancient tea gardens, and using only spring buds for production. Jingmai tea area is located in Lancang County, Pu'er City, Yunnan Province, and is home to one of the largest preserved ancient tea gardens to date. The tea trees grow in an environment resembling pristine forests, relying entirely on natural growth without human intervention. Due to differences in age, the trunks of large tree teas are tall and stout, with some tea trees requiring climbing to harvest tender leaves at the top. The root system is well-developed, containing rich internal substances and exhibiting high resistance to brewing.
Brewing Recommendations:
Choose a high-temperature porcelain lidded bowl, with a capacity of 100ml and 7g of tea.
- Wake up at low temperature: Water temperature 50-70°C, pour along the bowl wall for about 5 seconds, open the lid and soak for 20-30 seconds before draining the tea.
- Moisten at high temperature: Boiling water at 100°C, pour along the bowl wall for 8-10 seconds, immediately drain the tea.
- Brewing: Use 100°C boiling water for the first 1-3 infusions, pour along the bowl wall for 8-10 seconds, open the lid and soak for 8-10 seconds before draining the tea slowly to ensure complete drainage. For the 4th-5th infusions, adjust the soaking time by 5-10 seconds based on taste intensity and tea performance. It can be brewed for more than 15 infusions.
*** Please note this is not a whole cake, but separated into loose tea of 50g.