Potter Shoko Ozawa's tea ware works exude a serene atmosphere and evoke a deep connection with nature. She states, "The process of firing is directly related to nature, from clay preparation to firing. Through creation, I may be searching for something fundamental and universal by incorporating myself into the cycle of nature." In recent years, she has deepened her relationship with Chinese tea, exploring a variety of tea utensils, flower vessels, and installations.
The carbonized ash glaze ceramic plate/tray is a particularly captivating piece with its delicate green and deep black tones. It can be utilized in various ways, both as an artwork and as a tea tray.
■ 作品の詳細 Details
サイズ・Size : 26X26cm H2.5cm
日本製 Made in Japan
■ 作家略歴 PROFILE
1957年 福岡県直方生まれ
1979年 金沢美術工芸大学 油絵科卒業
1994年 愛知県立窯業高等技術専門学校を修了、遊子窯 にて陶芸を学ぶ
1997年 独立後個展、企画展などを中心に活動
Born in 1957 in Fukuoka, Japan.
Graduated from Kanazawa College of Art in 1979
Graduated from Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Technical College in 1994
Now lives and works in Seto City, Aichi
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