Saori Yamazaki, a ceramic artist based in Kasama, devotes herself to the creation of tea utensils. Her works beautifully capture the essence of Japanese tea culture, while subtly harmonizing with the open spirit of Chinese tea. Over the years, she has seamlessly integrated the art of crafting tea ware with modern brewing techniques for sencha and hojicha. This evolving balance, when applied to Chinese tea, offers an inspiring and profound experience.
■ 作品の詳細 Details
サイズ・Size : H 4.5cm X φ5.5cm 約30ml
日本製 Made in Japan
■ 作家略歴 PROFILE
山崎さおり Saori Yamazaki
1975年 北海道旭川市生まれ
1996年 愛知県立窯業技術専門校 デザイン科卒業
1997年 益子、笠間にて焼き物を学ぶ
2001年 茨城県笠間市押辺に築窯、独立
2006年 笠間市金井に移築
Born in 1975 in Asahikawa, Hokkaido Japan
Graduated from Aichi Prefectural Ceramics Technical School in 1996
Studied pottery in Mashiko and Kasama in 1997
Established her own kiln in Oshibe, Ibaraki in 2001
Now live and work in Kanai, Kasama
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